Monday, July 14, 2008

A Tag..

From the lovely Rozzie

1. Ten years ago..........I was still at school (OMG) still finshing off year 12 and working at Maccas
2. 5 things on my to do list* Scrap a few LOs*Clean Up Backyard*Go pay for the windows for our house*Work out what colour to paint outside ??*Organise Dinner?? still not sure about that, might be Pizza;)
3.Snacks I (sounds good Rozzie), Chocolate, Cookies, rice cakes
4. If I were a millionare....i would employ the most experienced person/s avaliable to make my little man well again, the rest id give away..
5. Places I have lived.....Do we have all week??... Greystanes (in Sydney), Gorokan, Kanwal, Toukley, The Entrance, Morriset, Yarrawonga Park, Bonnels Bay, Tamworth, Attunga, Toukley again, Crabbes Creek, Mardi, Tuggerah, Norah Head, Noraville, Long Jetty, Pottsville Beach, Cabarita Beach, Tweed Heads, Cabarita Beach and we're moving to Pottsville Beach again at the end of the year..

now ill tag Mardi, just cause shes beautiful :)

Til next time..


Roz said...

far out woman, how on earth have you managed to live in that many places?!!!!

So, has your house been started yet? I'll have to come and have a sticky :) I love construction sites lol

Cya on Thurs xx

Mardi said...

Thanks for the tag gorgeous Megan (...and I cant believe you lived at a place named Mardi....I didnt even know I
Am I a big place?
M x

Kylie said...

Holly crap Megan I grew up at Mardi!!.....It was called Mardi rd Mardi until the highway was put through the end of the road!!...then they changed it to Collies lane......I also lived at gorokan as an older teeneager!!.....What a small world!!...And would you believe I was living at greystanes after I was born at bankstown hospital!! thats a blast from the past!!

Chat soon Kylie x

Janine said...

Tag, you're it!!! See my blog for details!!!

Sharryn Thomson said...

Hi Megan,
Just doing a little blog surfing :)
So sorry to hear Blake isn't very well at the moment.
I hope you get some good news soon.

Mardi said...

Megan...just checking...are you all ok?
Mardi x