What the??
im still reeling from the shock of the events that occured here on Saturday night, so much for a quiet one at home in front of the TV.
At 7:30 i was getting stroppy with the boys theyd been running around like crazy fruit loops since some time after lunch and getting onto 730 i had had enough of it, were getting ready for bed and thankfully with all that running around they both seemed to oblige me for this, so we get them to bed then Jack says i need to do a poo (sometimes his way of being silly at bed time, needing to go to the toilet constantly), while taking him to the toilet Paul ever so gentleman like went out the front to piss on the fence, when he saw head lights speed ing up the street and they appeared to be coming straigh for him, so he dove into the front garden as some F@#King idiot mounted the curb, (after fishtaling up our street) and continued to proceed straight towards him, (dont you turn your wheel in these situations, so you dont plough straigh through peoples cars and fences??)where he collected the front of Pauls truck, then proceeded onto smash and slide right up the side of my baby forcing my car through our front fence, well the result three banged up cars, police chases through out Cabba, parties being crashed down the street and lots of people going to jail, not me LOL
We were really lucky with everything that happened the cops got him and his totalled Ute, he rang us the next day and by rights has offered to pay for all expences, althoguht the tow truck driver and Paul seem to think my car will be a wrightoff so now ive got the lovely job of sorting quotes and trying to get it fixed for the rest of the week, not really the way i want spend my week.
Well here my poor little baby now, you can see the passenger side damage, as it is crushed into the bin and palms in these photos but it not that bad the major damage, is those doors eek, see the angle my car is on in comparison to the footpath?? my car is usually parked parralell to the footpath, and not squished into our bin LOL im not that bad a driver, some drunken freak asked the poilce if thats what id done, is anyone that stupid to crash their car into their own front fence and then ring the cops, i doubt it. So all of this happened before it was even a quater to 8 i thought thats when a party started, obviously im getting old LOL.
Well i hope everyone elses weekend was a lot better, hopefully it will all be sortrted soon, fingers crossed
Til next time...