Tuesday, April 10, 2007

{WOW where has the week gone??

ive been so busy organising Easter that i just got a bit lost last week, still havent uploaded my LOs and im still got a whole ton of Scrappers Block on my hands, but hopefully, that will all end today (fingers crossed) as ill have the whole day to play with my stuff, while the little nieces mind the boys for me, they just are really coming over for the day but they dont get to do anything else, as Jack is constantly calling out Amber, Jasmine come and play with me, or do this or that for him its great, its not me for a change LOL.
They really love it too and its great they seem to go home all tired and worn out which Nanny is extreemly happy about :o)

Well i was gonna upload my LOs but i will have to try again this arvo this stupid thing doesnt want any pictures

Til next time...


Megan said...

Looking forward to it Meegie Moo!

deirdre said...

I wanna see your LO's. LOL
Hope you had a fab easter Megan :)